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BUDDEE Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

The company Renae Ecom Techonolgies Private Limited has necessary docuiments and permissions to perform Sales activity through the their Brabd "buddee" . The company "Renae Ecom Technologies Private Limited " is liscensed owner of the brand "buddee" buddee.co.in , As a customer you are advised to understand the Terms and Conditions . By accessing to   the site information and Services  provided by the site, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions .


2. Intellectual Property Rights

the content information

the dipslayed indormation on the site and the app for customers is to understand the product and services only. No information shall be copied from the site as this is completely the property of the Company " Renae Ecom technologies Private Limited

3. Restrictions

You are restricted from all of the following:

  • publishing any website material in any other media;
  • selling, sublicensing, and/or otherwise commercializing any website material;
  • publicly performing and/or showing any website material;
  • using this website in any way that is, or may be, damaging to this website;
  • engaging in any data mining, data harvesting, data extracting, or any other similar activity in relation to this website.

Personal Information : We collect Personal information such as Phone number while you register this will be used only for log in purpose and while you receive a promotional information on offers for the products and occasions. 

Access to Site : As a customer you may use the product information to understand the product and the uses and usage notes pertaining to the product only. You may not copy any content , photos from the site as our research and experience has been used to derive and prepare the content for customer understanding only.

Presentation Order and Colour : the products shown on the site and the colours used in the site are intended to give a better presentation to the customer. the view of the colour is dependant on the devive you use and hence we may not guarantee the accerateness .

Information and Content : the Company has right to change or modify the details of any content . Market changes or Seasonal Information on availability of a product or Quality of product  information can be used as a reference to change or modify the content shown in the website. In any instance the changed content is not acceptable to you , you may discontinue the services. how ever if you shall use the service, you are deemed to have agreed and accept the terms and conditions.