Eligibility for GRE
A Bachelor’s degree is the minimum requirement for seeking admission in any Masters Program in US and therefore, it is also an essential qualification for taking GRE.
Most US Universities have made it mandatory for a student to complete 16 years of education for admission to Science and Engineering programs.
However students holding BE, B. Tech, B. Sc (Agriculture) or B.Arch degrees, i.e. students who have spent four years for their Bachelor’s degree can directly seek admission in Science and Engineering program in any US University.
Fee Structure
Subject Tests for United States, U.S Territories and Puerto Rico – USD$140
For other locations including India – USD$160 (Rs. 7,615.20)
Types of GRE
Types of Graduate Record Examination Test
1) Revised General Test
2) GRE Subject Tests
Format of Exam
The GRE consists of three main sections:
1)Verbal Reasoning: 30 Minutes/30 Questions
2)Quantitative Reasoning: 40 Minutes/28 Questions
3)Analytical Writing
Scoring Pattern
1. The total (maximum) marks allotted in GRE is 340
2. Sectional scores (for verbal and quantitative sections) – allotted is 170 marks (maximum) per section.
3. Analytical writing assessment scoreis scored separately on a scale of 0-6 based on the overall impact of the essays written by the student.
Countries Accepting the GRE Score
All the top universities around the world in US, UK, Europe, Singapore and Australia accept GRE score. More than 600 business schools accept the GRE score world-wide.
In the past, business schools have only accepted the Graduate Management Admission Test or GMAT, which looks more at reading, comprehension and reasoning. The GRE has a stronger focus on vocabulary and straightforward quantitative skills.